Saturday, January 15, 2011

Don't trust your doctor-he's ripping you off.

Well, more appropriately, his office is. Or the hospital you are trusting with your life.

This is very true. It's called human error. And, since two or three people can have a hand in each medical bill you receive- that's two or three times the errors. I've seen the commercials where you can learn to "work from home" in the "exciting and fast paced medical field" while doing "medical billing."

That means you've got a good chance of having someone like ME-with three children crawling all over them-drawing up your bill while deciphering your doctor's chicken scratch.

 This is never good.

Case in point- I received a medical bill bore an electric orange sticker that said, "You have ten days to contact us or this bill will be sent to a collection agency." From my gyn. Addressed to my husband. The bill was for-wait for it- $145. I'm due to go see in her in February, haven't seen her since last February, and always pay my bill them immediately with our flexible spending account.

There were two charges for a single missed appointment that I'd canceled, and they charged me for a co-pay I'd paid them. I'm so glad they sent me that incredibly effed up piece of paper, because now I know they owe me five bucks. They even agreed they owed me five bucks. So I know I'm right.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, though. Every bill I've ever gotten has had medical errors on it. I've been charged for prescriptions my doctor ordered, but I'd refused. Yes, I know I'm the only person on the planet that would refuse a Vicodin. But I do. I've been billed for it, though.

I've been billed eighty dollars for four Tylenol. Not even extra helpful Tylenol. Drug store Tylenol.  Four. These people have issues. Two many chefs, and all that.

It's almost worthwhile to keep a notebook with you and have someone document what they do and  what they give you. Because they sure as hell don't know.

So, go over your bill. Even if you have no intention of ever paying it. Because those mistakes still add to your debt. And don't be shy about questioning it. You aren't questioning your doctor-you are questioning a team of people who are human and weren't in the room.

You wouldn't go to a restaurant and pay for an extra beer. Why would you go to a hospital and pay for an extra pill?

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Novel Bloggers said...

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